Somatic Movement
Somatic Movement is slow, gentle, functional movement that allows the body to come out of held tension patterns and pain.
Somatic Movement Education is a gentle movement practice that develops ease of movement, reduces pain from injury and removes habitual patterns caused by trauma or stress. SME teaches the body to release stress and tension in the musculoskeletal systems and brings ease into our daily activities. It educates the body to move with awareness and come out of discomfort or pain. We will work with functional movement patterns to establish the connections between the nervous system, muscles and bones. Somatic movement is a doorway into the way we experience ourselves.
Somatics can be used as a maintenance movement practice. By engaging in these movements we can find our bodies natural baseline. Feelings of tension, stress or discomfort can be removed and eased out of the body. From this point of neutrality we can then find more enjoyment and vitality within ourselves. We don’t have to hold on to the many pains and tensions that build up over the years. We are designed to constantly mend, repair and grow. Somatics is a practice that is proven to access our inner healer.

“The human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one’s being to be experienced explored, enriched and thereby, educated.”
— Thomas Hanna