CranioSacral Thearapy
Helping the body come into balance by allowing the fluids to flow freely throughout the body creating health. It also allows the clients system to deeply rest which has a profound effect on the nervous system
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a light touch therapy with client fully clothed generally lying down. The therapy creates safety with touch. Touch is very powerful and something that all of us need. Listening to a client’s body systems through touch is a very powerful way of releasing held tension. Tension in the body bring about pain, inflammation and emotional distress. When the body tissues begin to relax, space is created and this allows the body to let go of tension or stress
WHAT I DO FOR CLIENT? Finding resources, to be held and supported is wonderful in a world where we find it difficult for our needs to be met. Looking for the health in the system. Brings the body back to balance