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what I offer
CranioSacral Therapy
BCST Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment that enhances the body's natural ability to heal and restore balance.
You’ll learn to enjoy a range of movement practices that will enable you to become more grounded, at ease and embodied.
Somatic movement
Somatic Movement is slow, gentle, functional movement that allows the body to come out of held tension patterns and pain.
TRE® trauma release exercises
TRE® Tension & Trauma Release Exercises are a set of reflex actions called neurogenic tremors. This is a powerful tool to relieve stress, release held tensions and restore wellbeing.
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Meet susan
Susan Porter is a body worker who has trained and qualified in many different modalities, such as:
Somatic Movement Education, having studied with Brian Ingle in India as part of Living Somatics (2012-2014).
Yoga teaching for almost 2o years, trained as a teacher with the Irish Yoga Association for 4 years (2002-2006).
Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, trained with Body Intelligence (2013-2015).
TRE (Tension/Trauma Releasing Exercises by David Bercelli) in 2016.
Susan believes that in order to relieve physical pain, stress must first be relieved. One needs to be relaxed for rest and repair to take place.
Each of us holds the stories of our life in our bodies. The stories that nourish us, possibly giving us feelings of expansiveness in our tissues and the difficult stories that may create contraction within us.
How can we learn to not feel so charged or ignited by our difficult stories? I offer that we can learn to regulate our nervous system by using simple grounding techniques in body awareness, slowing down and feeling present in the moment. We can bring more focus to the stories or things that nourish our bodies, our physiological responses and create regulation in our nervous system.
Coming into balance or homeostasis may require regular tuning in, figuring out how we feel or experience ourselves in the now and work from that place to turn down the dial if you need to relax or stay as we are if we feel just right.
Slowing down is a very helpful tool to feel grounded, checking in with our breath and feeling the weight of our feet on the ground also brings us into the present moment and turns down the stress dial to something more relaxed, centered and free.